Thursday, September 28, 2006
Muslim reactions to the Pope’s remarks are “politicised”, Moscow Patriarchate says -
At first I wondered whether the Holy Father perhaps had blundered. How foolish I was. Certainly he chose his words with great prayer and care. But to what purpose? I think he was trying to initiate a dialog which Muslim leaders can hardly ignore, and upon which they have to take a public position. Those 'moderates' who are capable of rational dialog will find themselves having to promote interreligious dialog more openly. This Pope, like our previous, is brilliant.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Extremists say pope, West are 'doomed' -The Washington Times
Sincere Muslims of good will, who love the truth, will consider what the Pope actually said in his speech at the Unviersity of Regensburg on 12 September 2006. Taken in context, his remarks contained nothing to cause offense. Rather, he extended a respectful invitation to all people of good will, asking them to be willing to enter a "dialogue of cultures" where reason and mutual respect prevail.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Senator, I denounce Your vote...
"Senator, I deplore and denounce Your vote today against the marriage protection amendment. Your voting record betrays an unacceptable lack of commitment to defend the inalienable rights of the unborn, and the vital institutions of (heterosexual) marriage and family: the bedrock of any stable and healthy society. You deserve and have earned our disapproval and vocal opposition."
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Catholic World News : Most Catholic Senators oppose marriage-protection bid
These are the quislings who claim to be Catholic but today voted against a constitutional amendment designed to protect marriage from those who wish to redefine and destroy it:
Senator Joseph Biden of Delaware
Senator Maria Cantwell of Washington
Senator Susan Collins of Maine
Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois
Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa
Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts
Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts
Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana
Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont
Senator Barbara Mikulsi of Maryland
Senator Patty Murray of Washington
Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island
Senator Ken Salazar of Colorado
Senator John Sununu of New Hampshire
Shame on them... all of them. Will their bishops do nothing in the face of such a scandal? Won't they unanimously and publicly rebuke these individuals who disgrace the names of "senator" and "Catholic", and who turn their backs when marriage and the family are attacked?
More pointedly, how long will Catholic voters sit passively while their senators promote their careers under a mantle of Catholicism but reject and despise the deepest beliefs of their Catholic constituents? How long before Catholics awaken and unapologetically defend society and the truths of their faith from the cowardly acquiescors or active promoters of a radical homosexualist agenda, expelling them from office?
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Rewriting the truth
I won't bother critiquing the entire article. However, one example may illustrate how radical homosexualistas will distort the truth to malign anyone who stands in the way of their drive to demand social approval and legal protection for relationships that are inherently sterile and destructive to society. The author of the Pioneer Press article writes,
"Parents of gay children reel at the language in official documents released years ago by the Vatican that labels people in same-sex relationships as 'objectively disordered' and 'instinctively inclined toward evil.'"
To put it bluntly, the author either is misinformed or dishonest. Consider what the Catechism of the Catholic Church actually says:
2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.Note that the Catechism does not label any person as 'objectively disordered', but instead applies this label to a certain kind of acts. At the same time the Catechism speaks with great sensitivity and compassion of those who struggle with inclinations or tendencies toward such acts.
Unlike the bleak, fatalistic message of many of the radical homosexualists who proclaim that many people are by nature 'gay' and must live according to that orientiation, the Catholic Church asserts the humane and hope-filled message that people are not enslaved by their desires and tendencies, and are capable of transcending even strong and deep-seated inclinations in order to live a life of holiness in keeping with the teachings of Christ.
But some people hate that truth and don't want to hear it. Rather than part company with the Church because they reject its teachings, they try to change the Church so that it no longer teaches what Jesus gave it to teach, and no longer serves as the beacon of truth that it most certainly is.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Cardinal Zen a great sign of hope for Chinese Church
Will the Chinese government ever respect the natural right of its citizens to worship freely in peace?