Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Hail, Mary!

December 7, 2004
The Vigil of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
150th years ago, on December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX proclaimed as a dogma of the church that Mary was “conceived without the stain of original sin.”

Hail, Mary!

Mary was not merely chosen by God, but was made “full of grace”. If for no other reason that this, we should aspire to her holiness.

The angel spoke, “Blessed are you among women”. Even if only for this reason we should revere Mary’s singular beauty in God’s eyes.

She gave herself entirely to God’s will. If only for this, we should imitate her.

She exercised a mother’s authority over the King of Kings. For this we should fear using without humility our authority as parents, teachers, employers, citizens; and we should fear neglecting to use it when it is necessary.

Her last words in Scripture were, “Do whatever he tells you”. If for no other reason that this, we should obey her.

At the cross she was given to us, and we to her. In obedience to Christ we should behold our mother, and love her as Her Son loves her.

She lives in union with God, for God is the God of the living, and she is the mother of the Author of Life.

Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us. The Church rejoices that you help us by your prayers and example. Pray that we will love Jesus above all things, and do whatever He tells us.

Hail, Mary!

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