Pope Benedict on January 18 named Bishop André-Mutien Léonard of Namur, a member of the International Theological Commission, as Archbishop of Malines-Brussels. Succeeding the influential Cardinal Godfried Danneels, Archbishop Léonard is known for his forthright defense of Catholic moral teaching and his support for Summorum Pontificum, Pope Benedict’s motu proprio on the extraordinary form of the Mass.
Deputy Prime Minister Laurette Onkelinx condemned the choice. "Church and State are separate in Belgium, but when there are problems in our society, all the social partners sit down around a table, including representatives of secularism and of religion,” she said. “Cardinal Danneels was a man of openness, of tolerance and was able to fit in there. Archbishop Léonard has already regularly challenged decisions made by our parliament."
"Concerning AIDS, he’s against the use of condoms even while people are dying from it every day," she continued. "He is against abortion and euthanasia … The Pope’s choice could undermine the compromise that allows us to live together with respect for everyone."
"The Pope’s choice could undermine the compromise that allows us to live together with respect for everyone."
Behold the thinly veiled threat. The dark lords of secularism warn that "respect for everyone" demands a "compromise" in which no one dares to challenge the government or blaspheme the sacraments of the Culture of Death: Holy Contraception, Holy Abortion, and Holy Euthanasia.
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